

Limits the number of distinct values produced by the specified sub-generator-tree. This is achieved by caching previously generated values until n distinct values are reached. The generator roughly preservers the distribution properties of the sampled data by applying weights to the sampled values. WARNING: This breaks the reference system in an odd way. you can still reference this generator, but not its children!

Name Description Required Min Max Allowed Values
name (Class)Name of this element. Used to identify plugin Class. Full name is required. Example: com.en.myPluginPackage.myPuginClass no 0 1
id Identification String of this element. May be used to uniquely identify a field within the children of an Element. no 0 1
Name Description Required Min Max Allowed Values
distinct Content type: Integer
Number of distinct values this generator caches.
yes 1 1
gen Value Generator for this field yes 1 1
2.7-83fb0 | 2020-04-22