What is PDGF?

The Parallel Data Generation Framework (PDGF) is a flexible, generic, and parallel data generator that can be used to generate large amounts of relational data very fast. PDGF is currently adopted in TPC benchmarks.

Why should I use it?

PDGF can be easily adapted to your use case and thus saves you a lot of time. Moreoever, PDGF provides you with highly realistic test data.

How to get started?

To try PDGF yourself, please contact us to receive your own evaluation version.

If you have your copy of PDGF, you can take your first steps by following the Quick Start guide. You can find a more detailed explanation of the quick start example as well as the first steps to generate custom schemata in the next steps.


Take a look into our documentation to get a detailed explanation of the different generators PDGF provides. Apart from that, we are very happy to answer any questions left.